Welcome to HIPPIE, a web tool to generate reliable and meaningful human protein-protein interaction networks

Please enter a single UniProt identifier (accession), gene symbol or Entrez gene id

(e.g. HD_HUMAN, P42858, HTT or 3064)   

Here, you can query HIPPIE for the interaction partners of a single protein arrow

Or check out further query options and examples



  Feb 14, 2019  A new version of HIPPIE (v2.2) has been released today

  Jul 18, 2017  The update to HIPPIE v2.1 contains 52,000 new interactions

  Nov 3, 2016  A new paper is out describing the new functionality and data of HIPPIE v2.0

  Jun 24, 2016  HIPPIE v2.0 has been released including new data and analyses options

  Sep 01, 2015  We just released a new version of HIPPIE

  Sep 05, 2014  We released a new version of HIPPIE featuring protein-protein interaction effect prediction and many new interactions

  Oct 11, 2013  A new release of HIPPIE is available

  Jan 8, 2013    Please check out our new publication on creating tissue- and function-specific networks with HIPPIE in PLOS Computational Biology


  Please cite HIPPIE within any publication that makes use of this resource. Thanks!