
   ProteinPathTracker is an easy-to-use web tool that allows to track the evolutionary history of a query protein. The tracking strategy is performed on different proteomes located in a taxa path of your choice. For each of the intermediate taxa in the selected path, you can select the proteome in which we will look for homologs. A much detailed explanation of the method can be found in our help page.

    CitationMier, P., Perez-Pulido, A.J., & Andrade-Navarro, M. Automated selection of homologs to track the evolutionary history of proteins. BMC Bioinformatics, 19(2018), 431. PMID: 30453878.    

How does ProteinPathTracker work?

  • Step 1: Select evolutionary path.
  • Step 2: Paste sequence of interest, select optional parameters and submit the execution.

1) Select evolutionary path

Click on any of the paths below to display it. Then, all the available proteomes will be shown per taxa. Default proteomes are labeled with ' * '. For most of the taxa there is the possibility of modifying the default proteome for the search, to personalize the path to look for homologs to the query protein.

All available reference proteomes (from UniProtKB > Proteomes) are shown in the taxa corresponding to the last common ancestor with the terminal leaf of the path. Only intermediate taxa with at least one available proteome are shown. There is a maximum of 10 proteomes per taxa. You can also access to the complete list of proteomes available in our tool, divided per path.

From cellular organisms to Homo

From Primates to Homo

From Viridiplantae to Arabidopsis

From Fungi to Schizosaccaromyces

From Bacteria to Escherichia

From Arthropoda to Drosophila

2) Query protein & optional parameters

Paste a query protein sequence in FASTA format, or upload it in a .fasta file. If the file contains more than one sequence, the program will only run on the last one of them.

Paste sequence   

or upload a file with it 

Lock region  in orthologs from to

Minimum locked region coverage in results (default 75%)

Evalue cutoff for Blast searches (default = 0.1)


We encourage users to provide us feedback about ProteinPathTracker, including requests for new evolutionary paths. Send us an email or visit the web page of our Computational Biology and Data Mining group.